
pricing...   profitability...   project management...



'Pricing on the Front Line', American Bar Association (January 2017)

'Smarter Pricing, Smarter Profit', American Bar Association (May 2014)


'All Feedback is Good Feedback', PM Forum (November 2017)

'The Master of Pricing', JUVE Magazine Feature (October 2017) - in German

'Calculating Profit is not the same as Pricing it', JUVE Interview (October 2017) - in German

Who Shares Wins,  Briefing (September 2017)

PODCAST - The Rise of the Pricing Director, Legal Executive Institute (August 2017)

PODCAST - Approaching AFAs with Clients, Legal Executive Institute (July 2017)

PODCAST TRANSCRIPT - Approaching AFAs with Clients, Legal Executive Institute (July 2017)

The evolving role of pricing professionals,  Thomson Reuters Blog (May 2017)

PODCAST - The Rise of the Pricing Director, Legal Executive Institute (April 2017)

A Short History of Legal Pricing and Legal Procurement, Professional Pricing Society Journal  (First Quarter, 2017)

Pricing finds its sparkle,  Briefing (March 2017)

Collaboration - The sixth 'C', Briefing (October 2016)

Voyage to Value, Briefing (May 2016)

A Force for Good Value (Book Review), Briefing (April 2016)

There and back again: A question of value, General Counsel Netherlands (September 2014)  

Strategies to thrive in a post-financial legal marketplace,  Your ABA (July 2014)

ILTA - We Aim to Please:New Client Service in Legal - Interview with Stuart J T Dodds, (March 4th 2014)

Legal Project Managers Gain A Strong Foothold, ILTA Peer to Peer Magazine (June 2013)

Negotiating Win Win Fee Arrangements, ILTA B&FM Whitepaper (December 2013)

ABA Journal, Law Scribbler Podcast, What Can the Real Rate Report Tell Us About the Value of Entry-Level Lawyers?  (July 2012)

quoted in

Pricing Legal Matters (Part 3 of 4),   Jim Hassett, LegalBizDev, (December 21 2016)

Legal Project Management: What works best ? (Part 3 of 3),   Jim Hassett, LegalBizDev, (March 2016)

Beyond Experience - The "Value" Game Changers,  Rose D.Ors, Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute (March 2016)

Your Clients Want Alternative Fees: Is Your Firm Ready?, American Lawyer (August 2015)

What is a Pricing Officer and does your firm need one,  Canadian Lawyer Magazine (January 2015)  

The Pricing Police, The Latin Lawyer (October 2014)

Can A  Director Of Pricing  Help Improve Both The Top And Bottom Line In Your Firm? Inside Public Accounting, (October 2014))

The Rise of Pricing Officers , Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing (September/October 2014)

Refining the Pricing Formula , Pricing and Profitability Briefing, Legal Support Network (UK), (September 2014)

Are you pulling prices out of a hat , Pricing and Profitability Briefing, Legal Support Network (UK), (September 2013)

Here for Good: Pricing Professionals in Law Firms, ALM Legal Intelligence (May 2013)

Alternative Fee Arrangements at Legal Departments and Law Firms, ALM Legal Intelligence (April 2013)

The Future Firm, Legal Management (October/ November 2012)

Future Projections, Managing for Success, Law Society Journal (UK) (August 2012)

Pricing as a Marketing Strategy, The Bottom Line (August 2012)

Taking Guard, The Know List (UK) (July 2012)

Value -Related Fee Arrangements, by Steven A. Lauer, Ark Group (May 2012)

Legal Pricing in Transition, LegalBizDev Whitepaper (May 2012)

The Rise of the Pricing Director, Bloomberg Law (Feb 2012)

Legal Project Management in the Trenches, Bloomberg Law (September 2011)

Navigating Fees, Managing Partner (UK) (November 2010)

Aiming to become bullet proof on price, Australasian Law Management Journal (July 2010)